Th!s W33k

till now 4 this week,
i tinK its a though w33k..
ari Senin ari2, mnguji thap ksabaran ak..
ev3n time 2 pedih di hati..rsnya Nk bnjir dh hat! nie..
tp tuhan mha agung n adil,
ak hrapkan apa ptt diadili dgn btuL, sume Terserah pdanya..
n pda yg mkN ciLi trasa Pdsnya tuh..
ak Hrap dia kmbAli ke pgkal Jaln..N cm biasa r..pnGkal Jln mula dri nIat lps 2 prubatan n last kali mulut.
btul x??
jgn mula2 mulut, lps 2 hampeh..
n ak hrp leLaki kt Luar Sna..pls jgn jd Mulut manis d BIBIR, tp niat di Hati racuN..
klu Ak diberi pluang ntuk dptkan keadilan..hnya 1 ak mntak, bnda 2 xkn berlaku lg..

so KIV on that..
xnk igt lg hbs dsini sje..

Jmt NIe ak amIk cuti...
apa plan pn xtaw lg..karok?? muvie??? shoping??
arghh sume ada dlm pale fkirkan ngn spe ak nk kuar...
hehe...sbb drive 2 letih babe..
klu leh nak ada dreba...hahah...

tgk r cmne..
ngantok kot skung..

smbung2 nnti..

T0D@y Out!ng!!!

wat @ day 2daY..
im guing Out wiF him..
its kind weird if im out, come back wif nuthing..
he always knws dats..
tqvm my lovely dovey moment..hehe
we wash muvie tooth fairy..n for that kind of muvie..
i gave 5 sTars!!! so hilarious...
eatind today a LOT!!..him always hugry.
ala laki, xdpt sbutir nasi..psti akan lpr blik klu dh mkn bnyak cmne pn..
btul x laki2??
we had SUBWAY for Lunch, n SecrEt RecipE for tea section.
suPing just bought ledging n a BlOOm dreSS..
thanks HUbbY.
I LOV3 u...


g0T back to OffiCe

2day, as the tittle mention...
i just get back to the office..
arghhhh..working time is all in the mood..
g kje buknya ada kje sgt..yela..ada 1 staff kt tmpat ak nie (C) , gle kuasa kot..
sume dia nak concerd keje..
so dri ak peningkan pale kje bnyak baik ak peningkan pale..cmne nak pure2 bz dpn bos..
lbh swonok g2..
pure2..gj pn jalan...kan???

smlm i do got big fight wif the him..
n we do tink to take our own way...
bit headache untill noe..
kt opis..bile dah pening..mud keje mmg hlang r..
tp ak rebahkn dri ntuk g cz dh cuti lame..
so ble dtg opis blur2 aje..ehhehe...
nsb kwn2 ku ada....tq 2 ibu nina n lini also 2 aza company me lunch @ mnra..
xlupe jg lg skli kt nina..tq blnja makan n SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU..
huhu..moga2 dpt ank ak..hehe


dlm xdiam kwn2 ak sume dok emo cte prob dorg..ak pn ada prob..ak mls nak cte lbeh.
bek ak diam..
asik bgtau org emo priod..
last2 ak sndri yg priod arini..
wat a day..
priod day is coming...
hope xmlrt ntuk sok..
ak prlu ke keje....nnti ak blur lg..

blur2 arini murah rezeki ak sgt..
nina blnja ak mkan..
siap bwk survenier ari sanding dia lg..ada choc forrero tuh...nyum~nyum~..
lek opis lak..jmpa ngn cust dr kota singa...dia bg lak preasent 4 new eve..
guess wat..apa ak dpt..
pendrive seh..even bos ak sndri pn dpt bag keylock.

syukur pda ALLAH ntuk sume nie..


New Yeerrrrr

its already 2010..
im just felt dat the more ages is getting up..
arghhhhhhh~~~ tenson2...
azam baru???
ak sndri pn xtaw..nak ubh life style @ working style..
just bit more focusing wat im duing rite noe...
yela 2009 kje pn smbil lewa...heheh..
so nak ubah tuh..fkir sjenak kot...hahha..

life style lak...i wanna change to be the new me..but my mind always tink to change..but my self didnt...
how could that possible to make both is ready?
erm~~~ quite complicated huh?

me n Mr.n rite now its just frens and i do accept him as my frens outhere..
frens it better than....
its just headache...sumtime r....
complicated wif the old once... but him is among the others...
i do love him so much..but sumtime....i do scared am my parents accept him as im duing rite noe??
hope god blessing up with my relationship..normal couple had a feelin as im felt already in all relationship i rite??
cm doc cinta r plak..

wat my attitude in 2009 is the past already..
bile kte fkir apa yg kte buat 2 kdg2 akibat yg bakal dihadapi..
mmg perit..
pada kengkawan yg len..ak brhrap pkra nie x brlaku pda kwn2 ku..

cam nak turunkan wasiat lak..hehe..

my sotry end here 4 noe...cont latter..