oh minggu exam.
how tiring to do so many thing at once.
work, study and also preparation for my wedding.
lately am also got so many weird dream.
horror, not so bad dream = bad and wat so eva.
1st dream is about not so bad dream *equal to* bad
is nothing bad at all, it just why this dream shuld be happening at this first place
i dont ever think anything before slept.
normally la. if we do think something before sleep.
it came out in your dream.
like permainan tidur.
the thing you haven finished yets but you wanted so badly to do it and ends.
last week..(i cant recall which day it is.)
that night i do got dreaming something that i should do it in the past.
i dont know how, or remember, did i just do think to much about someone?
i dont think so.
something about a guy. (definately him)
i really want to talk to him, how am felt towards him.
but that dream show that, with all just happen onward or in the past
no matter how harder am trying to get him to told him that "i love him"
it just i cant says it infront of him. and the result is,
am just started walking and left him behind without single words.
but back then i do notice that:-

but for me:-

the 2nd dream is about horror to the death dream.
cmne la boleh end up the dream camnie.
boleh dreaming about someone who just came to my house and all the sudden started to record my cats voice with the weird editing voice
i dont know how to describe it.
but something that sure we barely not notice it was a cat. *sort of like mengilai cara garang*
and yg record to bukan someone but its somthing ok.
somthing yg mmg tak boleh nampak dengan mata kasar.
n dalam mmpi tuh, boleh notice one of my fren (i dont know, cmne boleh ada member plak kat rumah time nie)
namapn dreaming kan. huhu.
once she heard that noise came from outside,
her looks like pale as like seing ghost.
and that all of us started panic till the death ok.
nsb mmpi nie tak belarutan. sbb jam loceng dh bunyi ntuk siap g kerja.
apa pnye dream la.
mcm2 kan?
you know me rite. klu mmpi tuh smuanya nak pelik.
n u'oll baca n layankan aja kan?
sje je nk menghupdatekan blog sblum dok ngadap buku stady.
how tiring to do so many thing at once.
work, study and also preparation for my wedding.
lately am also got so many weird dream.
horror, not so bad dream = bad and wat so eva.
1st dream is about not so bad dream *equal to* bad
is nothing bad at all, it just why this dream shuld be happening at this first place
i dont ever think anything before slept.
normally la. if we do think something before sleep.
it came out in your dream.
like permainan tidur.
the thing you haven finished yets but you wanted so badly to do it and ends.
last week..(i cant recall which day it is.)
that night i do got dreaming something that i should do it in the past.
i dont know how, or remember, did i just do think to much about someone?
i dont think so.
something about a guy. (definately him)
i really want to talk to him, how am felt towards him.
but that dream show that, with all just happen onward or in the past
no matter how harder am trying to get him to told him that "i love him"
it just i cant says it infront of him. and the result is,
am just started walking and left him behind without single words.
but back then i do notice that:-
but for me:-
the 2nd dream is about horror to the death dream.
cmne la boleh end up the dream camnie.
boleh dreaming about someone who just came to my house and all the sudden started to record my cats voice with the weird editing voice
i dont know how to describe it.
but something that sure we barely not notice it was a cat. *sort of like mengilai cara garang*
and yg record to bukan someone but its somthing ok.
somthing yg mmg tak boleh nampak dengan mata kasar.
n dalam mmpi tuh, boleh notice one of my fren (i dont know, cmne boleh ada member plak kat rumah time nie)
namapn dreaming kan. huhu.
once she heard that noise came from outside,
her looks like pale as like seing ghost.
and that all of us started panic till the death ok.
nsb mmpi nie tak belarutan. sbb jam loceng dh bunyi ntuk siap g kerja.
apa pnye dream la.
mcm2 kan?
you know me rite. klu mmpi tuh smuanya nak pelik.
n u'oll baca n layankan aja kan?
sje je nk menghupdatekan blog sblum dok ngadap buku stady.
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