Down to earth

entry kali ini nk cecite mngenai
"down to earth"

what is this??
u'oll know what this perumpamaan??
ada yg thu ada yg tak (i guess la)
klu tak thu u'olls bleh g00gle it
now internet d hujung jari ma....

apa kaitan perumpamaan nie pada diri i??
is all about my eyes actuallynye

i never talk with people or my frens or any one that can be sure our eyes meets.
like playing "looking through my eyes"
this game i definitely sure wins
tp bila time bercakap our eyes meet.
sure "KALAH"
automatic pnye eyes to mesti down to earth.

even with my fiance or wat. he never talk to me with our eyes meet.
we sure cant talk klu dah jd cmnie. sure blank or dah tak igt apa nak di bualkan lepas tuh..

sbb i mmg suke tgk mata org klu time bercakap la..kebiasaannya.
or i sendri tak thu, mata i pandang mana bila bercakap??
ahaks...blurrr kejap..

one of my clique sudah menemui my weakness already nmpaknye.
for sure she want to teasing me with that.

its started when we do want to chat with our eyes meets.
then the result is....
my eyes sure started to look somewhere else..just like down to the earth.

now am started to knows that i cant talk to people with our eyes meet.
my weaknesses.
waaaaaaa.... :(

mula2 tuh tak percaya la jugak kenapa i tak boleh bercakap kalau our eyes meet.
then second situation happen with me in the class.

am just talking with my classmate (a guy)
talking about our assignment.
pada saat itu dan tika itu.
am very sure.. i do talk to him looking rite through his eyes.
nmpak jugak la dia cm pndang tempat lain
tp i dont mind pn..
mgkin i pn rasa cm tu bila bercakap ngn org. org nmpak mata kita ke lain kan?

tetapi once this guy balas balik talk that we do have discuss and straight looking through my eyes.
my hearts just like "doki..doki" (heartbeats sure beat faster than before)
sure i pulak yg trus "down to the earth"

maybe that the reason i cant talk with people with our eyes meet.
"doki..doki" is everywhere.
to be safe lets just looking down to earth.
SELAMAT saya tau...huhu..
no doki..doki...sure can talk easily..

so this is it..
p/s; dont talk with me with eyes meet ok..
plssssssssss....huhu..nnti dah tak mau bercakap kang..bru tau..hehe

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