Makan Kene Duduk

This story began when lunch time as I do remember its happen on Tuesday (2/11/2010) the new eve for Nov. I dunno how its happen, but it do like quick one.

Out ntuk beli mkanan kt Mkcik Goreng pisang..n singgah di kedai Speedy Video.
While waiting one of my fren mengodek Cd yg jual murah2 so..ak yg kelaparan nie..dok kat luar..mkn la smbil berdri..dah hbs 1 keping Keledek Merah (my Fav kueh), msuk blik kedai tgk2 c minah nie..aleh kuar blik mkan lak goreng pisang..then msuk leh smpi lah minah nie hbs mmbeli..

So xde kje r ak dok mkn n msuk blik kedai tuh smpi hbs kueh ak..smpan skit t mkn kt opis..
Last2 odw balik tuh………

We heading to 1 simpang n ada r 1 pajero or hilux nie..
Kami pn lalu cm biasa..n I do nmpak xnmpak dia pnye driver trus mlulu msuk ke kreta nie..
So abaikan la smbil mngunyah keledek ku…
I notice that the car driver open his wndow just like to see outside whether his car can fit enough to go out the parking lot (yg xbrapa pking la..prking hram ats devider..hehe)
So buat dunno aje r..

Suddenly when I do pass him, and his open wide wndow
I just heard
“Akak, nak makan duduk, tak baik makan berjalan”

Adeh..kene setepek..with fully mouth (not fully r) sbuk mnguyah..ini yg ku dpat??

Cm biasa r, ak nie pe org ckp lagi2 lelaki yg suke ngusik cm 2..wat dunno aje dah lepas 2 bru pkir..
Apa dia ckp la..dia ensem x..sume men dlam fkiran ku..hehe..
Gatai noks…hehe cm biasa..

so si minah yg ak teman sokping nie sbuk tnya ak blik..
apa c mmat tuh ckp..sbbkan dia r..dok sbok pot pet2..mamat 2 ckp pn dia xdgr..
memandangkan mamat tuh pn btul2 ckp sblah tlga ak..

so akpn cite r kt dia..hehe..
last minah nie lak came out “ensem tuh Jannah” klu tgk gya dia “kontraktor kelas A”
which is looking at his car and his penampilan..
yup..mgkin gaks..

tp sayangnyaaaaa..dah r ensem…tgur ak lak cmnie..
dalam ati ak nk jerit jeeeeee..

Syang skali xdpt no pon rezeki ak la kan..kot2 jdoh kte xtaw..bnda spontan je pon.
N mybe it is the 1st n the last I saw him there..
N it is a coincidences.
Who knows mybe it will be my luck one day..
To see him again..hehe..
Bukan stakat see dah..kot2 kan..hehe…dpt no fon ke..kwan ke..hehe =)

So hoping my dreamer lunch + pnegur tuh ada kje lg kt area opis ak nie..
Leh usha2 jap..cuci mata..hehe..

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