I tink I wanna stat a new life wif my new “gifted”
Which is “seni” ….
Which in my blood, Seni is existing along time ago…
Tadika & Rendah : Prtndgan mwrna
Menengah: Lukisan manga, kartun2 and Editing graphic designer
So skung?? Wat next wit the gifted had in my blood?? Pedamkan aja ke??
I tink I wanna start wif the:-
“JunIor PhotoGrapher”
I do love to take pic portrait…weds nie bukan xsuke..tp agak sukar skit drpda portrait..
As u can c bnyak pica ak di FB, most of it all about portrait, n I do take guna HP sje..
Bnyak yg bg feedback cm guna Camera..sedanGkan some of it hnYalah HP balak ak..IpHone!!
Pic cntik klu amik..hehe..sorry Bro..pnjam brg lu..hehe

Smpaikan kwn ak pnh Labelkan ak “tgan Kamera”
So rsnya lah…nk truskn niat tuh..tp tgh seeking camera yg leh mmbntu ak ntuk truskan niat ak nie…..
Which is “seni” ….
Which in my blood, Seni is existing along time ago…
Tadika & Rendah : Prtndgan mwrna
Menengah: Lukisan manga, kartun2 and Editing graphic designer
So skung?? Wat next wit the gifted had in my blood?? Pedamkan aja ke??
I tink I wanna start wif the:-
“JunIor PhotoGrapher”
I do love to take pic portrait…weds nie bukan xsuke..tp agak sukar skit drpda portrait..
As u can c bnyak pica ak di FB, most of it all about portrait, n I do take guna HP sje..
Bnyak yg bg feedback cm guna Camera..sedanGkan some of it hnYalah HP balak ak..IpHone!!
Pic cntik klu amik..hehe..sorry Bro..pnjam brg lu..hehe
Smpaikan kwn ak pnh Labelkan ak “tgan Kamera”
So rsnya lah…nk truskn niat tuh..tp tgh seeking camera yg leh mmbntu ak ntuk truskan niat ak nie…..
tp nak sgt jd photograper nieeeee....

So below is several portrait that ive made to my portfolio..do enjoy..the rest is in FB..
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