sudah lma xhupdate blog ku ini..
sorry quite lazy...super damn lazy ntuk update.
nk kta bz ngn kls xde r plak..
tp lazy dok khayal dengan benda nie..

i know it quite all the sudden to recall balik "ANIME" and "MANGA" nie
sbb last time i read this, when i was in high school.
n tak heran lah kalau mmber2 yg mana kenal aku time2 ni..
mmg kenal aku sbb i love to draw them..
so skung dah recall blik sbb penangan opis mate aku dok sruh aku baca manga.
then this wat happen..
recall hobbies just happen...and am addicting in it.
hbs aku pnye buku study..
spe nak tlong mak jwab nie nyah??
p/s:- spe lah opis mate aku tu kan? hehe
on second though..
this is my 2nd hobbies that i was ignoring my bloggy..
it is was...

i know it so early to buy and use it..
bcz klu leh nk wat one of our hntaran..
tp xle than nk guna..aku la yg sllu guna.
sian lappy aku dah jrang bukak..
sbb penangan benda alah nie..
aleh2 kte leh g mana2 n guna.
bring tergolek dok pn still leh guna..
yg c dia dapat apa? dia dpt snyuman ajalah..
bukan apa..kt rmh dia wifi sgt lah dia xdpt nk main GT nie.
aleh2 pada akulah jwbnya..
klu nk guna 3g..baik lg bukak lappy..
bsr n puas ati..
drpd tgk bnda kecik2 nie..
aku jelah yg pemalas nk bukak lappy
evendo lappy aku n GT nie sama je saiznya..
sbb malas pnye pasal kan?
i know it kind of membazir nk beli awal2.
tp we both love gadget so much..
i know about all the IT stuff.specification and tricky thing is aways about me
but for him, he love about the circulation of the new gadget will coming out..
so we do love to talk same interest a lot
evendo c dia yg slalu curik aku pnye interest. :(
sbb tu klau bab2 gadget nie he aways refer to me..
tkut nnti salah beli.. akulah yg pling utama yg akan kuat membebel..
sbb benda nie pernah terjadi..
penangan beli brg2 ni on my back..
so trima jelah tlga tu ntuk penagan berdas-das nie ye.
so sorry bloggy n follower's klu i dont update my blog..
sure thing what am i doing rite now..
sorry quite lazy...super damn lazy ntuk update.
nk kta bz ngn kls xde r plak..
tp lazy dok khayal dengan benda nie..
i know it quite all the sudden to recall balik "ANIME" and "MANGA" nie
sbb last time i read this, when i was in high school.
n tak heran lah kalau mmber2 yg mana kenal aku time2 ni..
mmg kenal aku sbb i love to draw them..
so skung dah recall blik sbb penangan opis mate aku dok sruh aku baca manga.
then this wat happen..
recall hobbies just happen...and am addicting in it.
hbs aku pnye buku study..
spe nak tlong mak jwab nie nyah??
p/s:- spe lah opis mate aku tu kan? hehe
on second though..
this is my 2nd hobbies that i was ignoring my bloggy..
it is was...
i know it so early to buy and use it..
bcz klu leh nk wat one of our hntaran..
tp xle than nk guna..aku la yg sllu guna.
sian lappy aku dah jrang bukak..
sbb penangan benda alah nie..
aleh2 kte leh g mana2 n guna.
bring tergolek dok pn still leh guna..
yg c dia dapat apa? dia dpt snyuman ajalah..
bukan apa..kt rmh dia wifi sgt lah dia xdpt nk main GT nie.
aleh2 pada akulah jwbnya..
klu nk guna 3g..baik lg bukak lappy..
bsr n puas ati..
drpd tgk bnda kecik2 nie..
aku jelah yg pemalas nk bukak lappy
evendo lappy aku n GT nie sama je saiznya..
sbb malas pnye pasal kan?
i know it kind of membazir nk beli awal2.
tp we both love gadget so much..
i know about all the IT stuff.specification and tricky thing is aways about me
but for him, he love about the circulation of the new gadget will coming out..
so we do love to talk same interest a lot
evendo c dia yg slalu curik aku pnye interest. :(
sbb tu klau bab2 gadget nie he aways refer to me..
tkut nnti salah beli.. akulah yg pling utama yg akan kuat membebel..
sbb benda nie pernah terjadi..
penangan beli brg2 ni on my back..
so trima jelah tlga tu ntuk penagan berdas-das nie ye.
so sorry bloggy n follower's klu i dont update my blog..
sure thing what am i doing rite now..
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