meaning that slpas di risik n sudah diikat leeee...
tetiba nk share ngn sume org whatAPp? my feeling about this moments.
came out with sista at my Opis ask..
"apa perasaan ANDA, selepas di "PAKAI"kan cncin itu??"
ermm......perlu ke soalan ini ditanya?
my answer is:-
a bit uncomfortable seem not the same like cincin yg sblum2 nie pakai, aka yg i do buy for it..
a bit okward bile pakai depan PARENTS! like ervting yg need to hold sumthing or to gave them anything with the hand with the ring on.. felt wanna to HIDE it!
thats my feeling rite now!
n my sista kt opis tuh cm pelik..knapa cm tuh?
n dia sndri tnya dia sndri jwab..
mgkin KAU xbrapa rapat ngn parents kau tuh yg kau rsa janggal smpai cm gitu kot!
n aku pn me"MAYBE" aje lah kan..huhu
so blik2 n trpkir..apakah benar kta sista tuh?? jauh d sudut ati..its aYES!!
i do not like to share about my personal thing to my family members! not single one i story..even adik laki ku yg ku rasa rapat yg xbrapa rapat tuh.hehe
jenis mmg tak suke crita ngn fmly sndri..tp ngn kengkawan..ringan lak mulut nie..hee..
so that is it.. :P
hang memang.. geletis ka.. ntah pape makcik kudut ni...heheheheheheehhe...
ReplyDeleteignore kn feeling tu...skrg nurul dh committed.. so and its the beginning of a new life... and also the beginning of real life lesson... good luck!!
jgn r mare whai sis aja...cm xknal gue cmne..hehe..btw tq 4 ur advise!! :-)