Xmntak, xdoa, xduga tp TERJADI..
Tp yg pnting niat, tujuan kte kne btul.
This statement showing about a “little guy”

Whose just drop on my FB to flirt wif me?
Wat da?? U know wat…aku dah lama tgl bnda nie.
Tp Y dis happens again? But 4 me..clearly enough I stated to him, that I wanna b frens..if he refuse to do that so..
Just 4get about me..
But till now..budak nie mmg sah xphm bahasa.
Budak ktakan…
Asik2 msg nk mntak kapel! Atuyai..
Am not actlly tell the truth about my relationship stat..
But 4 me..im not clearly enough knows my relation till confrmation a.k.a tunang la! hehe
So, diam2 je r..
Tp keutuhan aku pda c dia msh kuat..sbb aku xde rsa ppe feeling bile budak nie cuba mgayat aku..hehe :-)
Tp aku rsa budak kcik nie dah thu, Cuma dia xphm bahasa agknya..mne xnye..mula2 nk ayat aku time chatting, ak dah bgtau yg aku dah ada bf..mgkin dalam msg kt fon..dia nie suis dlm pale otak putus kot..xigt..
So aku layan gak..tp x over mana r..
Nk kapel knon..budak hingusan lg..nk ajak kawen bgai.
Kje pn x..bila tnya dah sdia ke nak tggung ank org..
Tak plak jwbnye..
C? haha..lawak tol..
Smntra tgh ada org nk kne makan bahan aku nie..
Aku ksi habis2…hehe
So meh kte layan je……huhuu
Tp yg pnting niat, tujuan kte kne btul.
This statement showing about a “little guy”
Whose just drop on my FB to flirt wif me?
Wat da?? U know wat…aku dah lama tgl bnda nie.
Tp Y dis happens again? But 4 me..clearly enough I stated to him, that I wanna b frens..if he refuse to do that so..
Just 4get about me..
But till now..budak nie mmg sah xphm bahasa.
Budak ktakan…
Asik2 msg nk mntak kapel! Atuyai..
Am not actlly tell the truth about my relationship stat..
But 4 me..im not clearly enough knows my relation till confrmation a.k.a tunang la! hehe
So, diam2 je r..
Tp keutuhan aku pda c dia msh kuat..sbb aku xde rsa ppe feeling bile budak nie cuba mgayat aku..hehe :-)
Tp aku rsa budak kcik nie dah thu, Cuma dia xphm bahasa agknya..mne xnye..mula2 nk ayat aku time chatting, ak dah bgtau yg aku dah ada bf..mgkin dalam msg kt fon..dia nie suis dlm pale otak putus kot..xigt..
So aku layan gak..tp x over mana r..
Nk kapel knon..budak hingusan lg..nk ajak kawen bgai.
Kje pn x..bila tnya dah sdia ke nak tggung ank org..
Tak plak jwbnye..
C? haha..lawak tol..
Smntra tgh ada org nk kne makan bahan aku nie..
Aku ksi habis2…hehe
So meh kte layan je……huhuu
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