WoWW!! Sudah Thun Bru!!
I guess Mia Blog dah nk Sthun lebIh usianya!!
Didn’t notice about that did i??
Silly me
Any celeb for new yer eve??
Yes I do!
I guess this is my 1st time celeb new yer!
Selama 23 thun!! Hehe
Bukn xnk celeb actually, tp bile pkir blik?
Wat for ntk celeb pn..it just coming a new yer je kot kn??
So for this yer..i do celeb wit my noty Old skool Frens
Which is
Drpda bjalan sokping sakan d Jln TAR ntuk tgk brg2
Kepada makan n last skli BerKaroke!!
Itu r pkra yg lbih kmi prefer klu dah time2 cmnie..
Nk g tmpt yg pnuh ngn org..
Surely me n my frens xsuke!!
Cant breath kot!! Pening r bgai..
So dats all by noe about celeb.
About my new spirit for this 2011 is:-
*KuMpUL Wet!
*Kurangkan BelaNja
*Fokus pda 1 Prkra iaitu trget ntuk “Tut”
*Harap dpt ssuatu yg xdjgka d tmpt kerja
o I guess klu xdpt pe yg diinginkan…so better find a new jobs!! huhu
a.k.a dlm kdaan trpksa
so kte tgk pe akn jd within this yer, and hope u guys out there stick to know what new story coming up from me!!
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