If I knew….

If I knew….

How my life is so miserable
Takkan ku kerja or dpat rezeki d tmpt kerja ke thap ini

How my life is so pain
Pain? I guess skung, skit sndri sume kne tggung sndri,evndo ada fmly, rsnya I do kept to myself,
Bgun gak time skit ntuk tdk mnjukkan kte nie xmudah ntuk mnyusahkan org skeliling

How my life so frustrated
Apa yg kte cuba wat ntuk penuhi semua kehendak ttp once kne sangkal! ZaSSsss!! Like that?
What do u tink? Frust kan? Sgt? Right?
I do planning to have an E’Day by right, me & him dah lama..so bnda baik knpa xnak didahulukan..
Tp apakan daya, family mula2 beriya last2 ckp, kte nie dah pkir masak2 ke?
If I don’t think, why should I cakp, I planning? Knpa sume org suke bg aku hrapan, last2 ckp cmni?

How my life without a love
I knw evrbody have love..love to nature, human being or anything.
But how can we describe love?
Lg2 if love kte trhdap ssorg can’t accept by the others? Especially your family?
How ur felt about that?
Pain? Miserable? Frustrated? Can’t describe by a words right?

Last night I do figth with my father which is about this E’day, future..
He came out with “y I do love so much about him??”

Sblum dah kne tnya cmnie mak ak dah bgtau sruh tgguhkan E’day?
Then nk plak bersemuka ngn ayh ak ngn soalan cmni?
Ak nk than sebak nie rsanya cant r kan..sorg pn takkan buat. Kne pnah petir nk tmbah lah nk tmbah ngn api?

When the time im answering my father quest,
Air mata nie dh tak tahan ntuk mnahan lagi.

Yg aku mmpu cakap….
“he is the one can and only knows me better!!” .:ini mulut aku yg cakap:.
“he is the one can and only knows me better than both of you!!” .:ini hati aku yg cakap:.

My mom came this out..
“mmg la dia knal kau, sbb dah 6 thn kenal” “how about lelaki len yg sllu kau kluar tuh?”

Me said..
“their only my frens! Nothing else” .:ini mulut aku yg cakap:.
“their only frens wif me, cz my appearance, my money (I guess), my car (blh pickup dorg) or my body??” .:ini hati aku yg cakap:.
Sdgkan pttnye klau kte kluar, laki yg blnja nie gul blnja? Laki jenis apa nie? Nie ke nk bwk laki? Evrtime lak tuh kluar? Hello? am I in the right position?
Bukan ak ckp pda org lelaki tak berkerja, ttp lelaki dah berkerja?? Hello??

Then, aku trus ckp..
“kenapa mak & ayah, pandang dia tuh macam apa jugak pilhan agh tuh salah?? Dri kecik smpi skung agh rsa sume agh nk buat tuh tak boleh, tak dapat??”

Last2, trus ayh aku sentap n trus amik kunci kereta then kluar..

Apa aku ckp nie salah? If salah? Knpa ayah trsa or sentap? Nmpak sgt r kan yg dia cm xyakin ngn kputusan aku.
Walhal mak aku ckp, klu ayah kau tak suke dia, dah lama kami tak jumpa or bincang psal nie dgn kau.
And ayh kan pnh ckp aritu dia trima sje sesiapa yg aku pilih.

Tp knpa dia perlu sentap kalau mcmni?

Dah mslah tmbah lgi mslah..2 belah pihak aku kne jaga ati..c dia & fmly..
Tp my ati? Tiada siapa yg thu..

Aku menangis kesal ats apa trjadi tp ini la yg aku hadapi sekarang.
Nak cerita kt org, stiap kali aku cerita, air mta nie tak tahan nk mengalir baik aku simpan dalam ati.
Cuma blog nie aku meluahkan perasaaan. Evendo menulis blog nie, air mataku msh bergenang lg dgn kdaan yg aku alami.

Aku harap tuhan tuh maha adil n aku hrap apa yg berlaku berikan aku kekuatun ntuk mengharunginya kesemua dugaan ini.

Kite @ LaYang2

Cara2 RiadaH kanaK2 riang d Taman Layang2..


InI SaYa


dia r plIng SmaGat Main memaNdangKan rndU zaMan2 Dolu katakan..



2Days cite Kite about, the previous story about him to meet my DaD..

Ha! This is the story….

Begun wif, afta I told my parent that we’re planning to had E’day.
My parent is ok wif it, but r iam ready enough with it?
Bcoz skung pn aku msh blaja.. my pendrian pn klu nk kwen ps hbs blaja tkut ak xle tmpu kdaan fmlyku..
So npe perlu tunang awal? So my DaD ask me to sit 2ghther both, me n him about this…then c him if done!

Pagi smlm (ahad), cam biasa g kelas..
Tp arini kelas hbs awal..wat a releaf to go back early tp kena lak jmpa c dia ntuk berbincang as my DaD ask me to do..

So we do have a little chat..seem ok, n ready to c my parents.
Him c very ready to handle with..tp bile jmpa..neBes!!...haha..
Ayh aku nie nmpak grang..tp loya buruk cm pragai aku nie ttp ada..haha..

Little chat about agama, tggungjawab sume r..
Nk pkul tggjwab nie bukannya senang rite..lg2 aku yg msh blaja..klu iktkan nk tggu hbs blaja bru kwin..tp ayh ak sndri ckp, umur 25 @ 26 tuh dah cntik ntuk kwen..
Nak2 lak ak hbs blaja kmgkinan dlm 27 bru hbs..
Dia xnk lak tggu lama2..

Like my dad said to us
“nak khawin mmg snang, sok pn boleh jadi, tp nk kekalkan perkhawinan tuh yg susah”


c..cmne dia xnebes bile jmpa..
diam tuh msti sume org wat..tp bile dah di tnya, jwb r kan..

klu iktkan blaja tuh hasrat ayh ku tgk ank2 dia dpt deg.
Incase dah kawen, dia still le tggung aku bab blaja..
Kmgkinan apa2 jadi time 2 kt dia..r we ready enough to cont this??

He ask him (mi love), are u ready to handle this, if am to finish my studies, but u want a kids?
How did u manage to do that?
Sggup ke klu me go to study but u take care all the kids?

Ermm..adoi..pening nak pkir..
Dalam ati kami, mak dia akan jg ank kmi nnti sbb mak dia drpda abg ke kkak dia r, mak dia yg rela nk jaga..
Tp takkan r me n him want to tell my DaD like that..

Apa lak dorg ktakan? Tul x..

So my Dad final advice him to go back and discuss this thing with his famli, sblum kte ttpkan tarikh PerTunangan.

4 thing he as him to ask are:-

1.Mas Khawin & hantaran yg mudah baginya n famlinya
2.Tempoh pertunangan
3.Skranya tmpoh pertunangan tuh berlaku yg xdsgka @ bukan mngikut perancangan, apa prjanjian antra kdua2 blah pihak
(kte hnya merancang, tuhan tntukan. If sumthing happen whther berubah hati @ kecelakaan yg mngakibatkan kekurangan, apa tndakan 22 blah pihak akn buat. Takkan dah jd nnti smpai org ckp ptus siratulrahim rite??)
4.Ak xigt daaa…apa lg 1 nie…hehe….klu ak igt ak updates..klu x..biarlah menjadi 1 misteri…..

So..hope he can make a rite decision and we can go 2gether as the planning..
nnti will do a next meeting wif his famly ntuk tetapkan tarikh prtunangan tuh bile..

ppepn hrap xde ppe yg berlaku


Im not into it now, and supposedly……

Which I have to do my check list for the E-day..
As usual I love to arrange n planning properly earlier.

Bukan kta smgat but sume org akn cmnie..
Lg2 gul rite?? Klu bnda2 nie dia cpt..
Klu laki..sume klu leh nk bg kt blah prmpuan..

Laki lepas tgn? Perlu ke cm 2??
Arini aku sgt2 keciwa wif him

Especially about the ring..
He knows ak nk sgt bnda nie jadi..
Cz aku dh xthn nk edup cmnie bak kta xde ppe iktan yg sah.

Klu leh ada r tunang o risik..
Sumhow we do like cm xready o nk enjoy dlu..
Tp dlm ati o c2aci cmni..xkn nk cmni? smpi bile?

For those yg nk thu bile E-day kami n bulan apa yg kmi planning..
Tggu yerk..
Tggu invi smpi pda yg rpat ngn dkt2 rmh aku je r jmput..
Engage je pn..bukan kwen lg..

Spe2 yg aku xjmpt nnti..hrp jgn r mrh..
Kwen aku jmput..jgn wisau..

Aku dah xde mood bab nk plih cncin sbb ak serah pda c dia
Tp mlgnya…
He make me felt dia cm main2..

Ati spe xsdih bile dpt thu..
Mula2 tuh ckp, yg dia dh g tgk cncin ngn kkak dia n akn tmph nnti
Last2 arini ak dgr 1 bnda yg panas tlga! Ati apath lg!
Yg dia just xde wat pper lg??

Knon nk wat ak sprise? Lst2 nie yg dia bg kt ak??
Luluh hatiku bile dia suke bg hrapan palsu padaku..

Bile aku tnya sume rahsia..tp arini dpt jwpan cmnie!
Lg jwpan yg bt aku pns, ckp dia xtaw ak pnye jari saiz apa??
GERAAM r kan…ak dh bgtau n aku nk dia sndri cri apa yg dia suke ntuk aku pkai..
Tp knpa msti cmnie?? Akk dia sruh ak g ngn dia bli sma, tkt t cncin xmuat nk pkai?
Hello, dpn dia aku pkai cncin saiz 11 kt pohkong tmpoh ari, yg aku nk sgt bli cncin time 2, sje nk wat koleksi..
Sbb aku sukekan bnda2 yg klau, comel2 nie..
Lgpon emas kot..nilai smpi ke tua xkemana..mkin lama mkin naik.
Pe salahnya nk beli time murah skung nie….
Tp aku xbelipn sbb pkir nnti ak akn dpt bnyak cncin..hehe..

Aku sbr bnyk2 xnk tmbul ppe2..tp pecan daya
Aku sdih sorg2 r..
Aku nk kta agk slow 2 kurang enak r plak tp mak dia sndri ckp cm2..dia mmg ada mslah dlm nk memahami @ plajri sstu
Tp aku ttp mnyokong dia n supya org xle tndas dia..pekan dya sbr, aku sayang dia, aku kene trima sume nie.
Sah r aku bg cop dia sbgai PENIPU!
Suke sgt bg aku hrapan..pe lg..mmg xthan aku, pe je aku nk ckp, aku ckp.
Lntak dia pkir aku krg ajar ke apa..
Smpi bile aku nk dpt cmnie..
aku mengingat dia, bukan ak bermksud pn pe yg aku ckp pn

So skung..frust xnk ikt dia bli cncin ke apa
Lantak r!! aku tekad!! Dia leh lepas tngan, aku pn nak wat!!

Ak upntang org wat ak cmnie..
Sbb motto ak:-
“dia leh wat, akupn leh wat”

INGAT tu!!

This FeeLing...

Perasaan ini mengambarkan kdaaan ak sekarang ini:-

.: HoPping . HaPpY . NerVeous :.

Hoping: prayer n hoping apa yg d rancng mengikut perancangan
HappY: Apa yg dihajat rsanYa ada kemaJuan...so happy la
nervoUs: rsauKn kdaan dri, if boleh ke komited ble dah proceed ke arah ini

Y Am Sying this cz after hot Story di Pagi Ari tuh..c dia tlh memberanikn diri bertnya kpd kluarganya hajat d hati n d sbbkan ayah ku sudah tnya..

trtnya2 pe cite dsblik pertanyaan dia ngn fmly dia cmne
smpi xle tdo..
tp pekan daya..dia nie suke xmo cte lebih.

mlm tuh tdo pnuh dgn tnda tnya r buat driku..

bgun pg cm biasa

ada kejutan SMS drpd c Dia

"ada berita gembira, dorg mntak b nk wt buat bulan bpe..ayg bgtau ble nk wat k. nyte yg.."

bca dgn pnuh bunga2 d ati n snyum sinis d bbir..
mlu pn ada...

cite smlm, ayh ak blik lwt...xsmpt nk jmpa c dia..
mgkin arini ke o tgk r..
itupn ayh ak dh psan ngn mak ak, sruh dia tggu smpi ayh ak blik

nmpaknya perbncangan perlu di buat

agk2 korng ak akan buat bile??

so nntikaN next Story ye Gais!!


ive never heard such stories that doesnt allow any groom to give extra maskahwin to the bride.

korang pernah?

"sebaik-baik wanita adalah rendah maskahwinnya"

this is what ive found on the internet...

Saya percaya semua ini adalah kerana salah faham umat Islam terhadap nilai maskahwin berdasarkan sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang bermaksud: “Sebaik-baik maskahwin ialah yang mudah” (Riwayat Abu Daud)

Dalam hadis lain baginda bersabda: “Sebaik-baik wanita ialah yang memudah untuk diri maskahwin” (Riwayat at-Tabrani)

Rasulullah sebut, wanita yang paling baik ialah bila maskahwinnya paling mudah (mudah bukan murah). Ya, mudah bagi lelaki untuk memberi maskahwin kepada isterinya. Perlu dijelaskan di sini, maskahwin yang mudah itu adalah hanya sekali seumur hidup sama seperti kita menjadi ahli seumur hidup dalam sesuatu persatuan.
jadi, tak salah rasanya jika bakal suamiku nnti ingin bagi lebih dari rm200. hehe..

ak bukan sbgitu...yg pnting dia ikhlas nk bg ats dsar bukan desakan drpda sesiapa..

SoalaN cEpu Emas di Pagi Ari?

Tgk statement cm mnrik..
Msti sume nk thu pe cte sbnr kn?

Cuba Ce-Cite jp..

k..im start wif cm biasa g kje ngn Ayah TerChenta..
dia lah yg anta ak sjak ak xcdent..
n dial ah yg tglkan ak sruh blik sndri ps kje..

sbb dia thu, bukan dia sje yg jga ak skung nie
a.k.a “bakal” dia jgk akn jg ak..
so sllu stement dia ps anta ak

“dh besar, blik sndri”---> so yg amik ak adalah c dia..

Dlm nk ke tmpt kje..
Mula r ptnyaan ini:-

A – Ayah
M – Me

A: Dah bulan bpe nie?
M: bulan apa ayah nak?? Skung bulan 1! Hehe..(ak phm ayh ak berkias nie, sje wat2 dia skit ati) ak kn suke..huhu
A: Org tnya main2
M: perlu ke? (statement yg xpnh tgl drpd mulut ku)
A: Perlu! (dgn nada cm tegas skit), nk kne pkir nk tmpah pdang bola mana, referee nk kne byar..
(kalau spe yg xtaw, sal padang bola ni, ayah ak sje nk nyakat ank2 dia trutama ak n akk ak, nk wat kawen serentak kt padang bola!!---> ada ke ptt??)
M: ……(silent mode pls!!)
A: Asik kehulur kehilir, amik sume, smpai bile?
M: …..(still silent)
A: Blik t ayah nk jmpa dia!
M: Ayh sllu blik lmbt..mne smpt..
A: Smpt x smpt….ayah blik awal!

So itu r ctenya..aduh! cuak ak!
Trus nek opis sms c dia..

so apa cte ps blik kje nnti???
Will updates soooooooonnnn…


Sume1 got....

hehe..sje nk bgtau.

sume1 just got new BB..

which is:-

BB Curve 8520 White

sgt suke warna putih..

tp sygnya itu milik c Dia.

xpe r..ak dah ada yg nie pn
nnti tukar casing je nnti.

as Am sllu bgtau kt dia ala2 brkias2
"arituh ada nmpak r casing putih"

so jwpan c dia..dah thu dah..kang ada jgk org nie kne belikan..

shayunk kamu sllu.hehe

leh r skung BBM sma Kmu!

xyh bazir kdt!



I-C!tY in Town!!

Last Friday akhrnya ak jejaki ke tmpt ni..
Evendo c dia tlh pergi xpa ak!!
Skit ati tau!! Dia g ngn dak rmh dia..

So ala2 sedih skit r..

Tp xpe..ak dpt g gak..akhrnya..
Bukan ber 2 tp ber 5!

Kmi g jumaat (7.1.11) tuh
Rby cuti, zaty xkje..
So ttgu ak yg hbs kje nie r p amik dorg kt KJ..
Dah amik..kmi p melantak kt

WILL I AM..kt blkg LRT tuh..
Mknan yg ala2 western + portion yg bsr..
Nk dtg sna kne bwk prut yg super kosong..
Klu x rugi mkn xhbs..hehe..

So ps mkn..berangktlah kte keee…



.:jom kte jalan:.


.:Kanak2 rIBEnA:.

.:KanaK2 RiAng:.

.:Me wif the Light:.

.:KanaK2 ChuMeL:.

MANGA Review - Fruit Basket

Last night, Am watching MANGA cartoon
Wish is my favorite is anime
as I love their cartoon, sumtime make me cheer!

Mne taknye suke..sume charecters sgt la chumel lg yg bab laki2
N Im love to draw about them too..

So am watching FRUIT BASKET

Which is this story about one girl young girl who
has been forced by the circumstances of her life to take care of herself and finds herself in the middle of a family curse which is the Sohma Family.

I was born in year of the rabbit. So is more interested to watch this movie as is related to the zodiac.

come i introduce a little bit all the charecter on this movie:-

Tohru honda
She is energetic and resourceful, striving not to be a burden to anyone. She needs to grow up fast yet remains surprisingly innocent and naive. In order to support herself she becomes a housekeeper

Yuki Sohma

Tohru knows Yuki as a popular student at the school she attends. He's very attractive an popular with the other girls at the school but generally holds himself aloof from others, giving himself an air of mystery. He lives with Shigure and does not like going to the main house. We are lead to believe that he suffered there when younger.

Zodiac animal -- Rat
Nicknames -- The Prince
Love interest -- None

Kyo Sohma

Seeming to be perpetually angry, Kyo strives to beat up Yuki. Invariably Yuki wins these battles. Kyo is also popular at school, even with his prickly nature. Kyo and Yuki are the same age.

Zodiac animal -- Cat
Nicknames --Kyon-Kyon
Love interest -- None

Kagura Sohma

Kagura charges in, heedless of the consequences. She's painfully in love with Kyo and forces herself on him. Kagura is actually older than Kyo.

Zodiac animal -- Boar
Nicknames --
Love interest -- Kyo Sohma

Hatsuharu Sohma

In general kind and laid back but when he loses his temper he becomes Black Haru and cannot be reasoned with. He is the same age as Momiji.

Zodiac animal -- Ox
Nicknames -- Haru
Love interest -- Yuki

Shigure Sohma

Shigure is the apparent adult in the house. He is a writer of what we are lead to believe are somewhat questionable novels. He's an enigmatic character who seems to be able to communicate comfortably with Akito when others are nervous about it. Typically wears tradition Japanese kimono.

Zodiac animal -- Dog
Nicknames --Shii-Chan
Also called Sensei because of his profession
Love interest-- high school girls

Hatori Sohma

Cigarette smoking doctor to the Sohma family, Hatori is nearly blind in his left eye as a result of a disagreement with Akito. Hatori is the one who erases the memories of those who find out the family secret. He and Shigure have know each other since childhood.

Zodiac animal -- Sea Horses
Nicknames -- Haa-San, Tori-nii
Also called Sensei because of his profession
Love interests -- Engaged to Kana until ordered by Akito to break up

Ayeme Sohma

Yuki's older brother, Ayame runs a shop that sells very interesting clothing.

Zodiac animal -- Snake
Nicknames -- Aaya
Love interests -- None

Akito Sohma

The head of the Sohma family, Akito is a mysterious figure that is sometimes seen in the background, flashback, or a single panel. The other members of the Zodiac seem to be quite afraid him.

Kisa Sohma

Kisa has just entered middle school and is being mercilessly teased because of the way she looks. Not knowing what else to do she stops talking completely. Tohru is able to explain to Kisa's mother why Kisa didn't tell her about the teasing. In response Kisa follows Tohru around and eventually starts speaking again.

Zodiac animal -- Tiger
Nicknames --
Love interests -- None

Hira Sohma

Twerp on the outside, softie on the inside. He’s got a thing for Kisa, easily get jealous of whom she spends her time with, but deep down wants to be a better person and the man that Kisa deserves

Zodiac animal -- Ram
Nicknames --
Love interests -- Kisa Sohma

Ritsu Sohma

By all appearances, Ritsu is a beautiful yamato nadeshiko, the epitome of the Japanese woman. Except Ritsu is a man. Ritsu has no self-confidence, constantly apologizing for everything, whether it's his fault or not. His self-loathing is taken to insane extremes, including hair-pulling, screaming-at-the-universe tantrums begging for forgiveness for simply being alive.

Zodiac animal -- Monkey
Nicknames --
Love interests --

Kazuma Sohma

A martial arts instructor who taught Yuki, Kyo, Kagura, Hatsuharu, and others. He is Kyo's father figure

Nicknames -- Shishou
Love interest --

below about Tohru Friend:-

Arisa Uotani

enjoys fighting with Kyo whenever they have any sort of friendly competition. He calls her a Yankee thug. She is a very close friend of Tohru's and is always deeply concerned about her well-being.

Saki Hanajima
Apparently a psychic, Hana-chan senses the electric vibes from people around her. She's also able to throw out some powerful electric waves herself. Hana-san is very close to Tohru.

That all the charecter that i can remember for now on..
now u can c how im in ♥ with MANGA cartoon right?

the most i like in this cartoon is KYO, which i do love cats!
he so hensem n grang! hehe..
i double like!
Dlm grang2 dia, sgtlah comel dlm romantik n kelembutan..
so that all for the review.


Just round the corner nk msuk Sem II dah study!!
Lma sgt cuti rsa cm xblja plak..

My next class will be this Saturday @ KLMU danau kota!
nsb dkt ngn rmh.
so chayok2!! jeNnY!!

BB Cream Review

The Skinfood Gingko BB cream acts as a light weight moisturizing and nourishing make up base thanks to various ingredients such as gingko leaf extracts, green tea, lecithin and vitamin B.
My Review for this Type of BB cream:-
1st am trying its felt like useless n regret 2 buy this item as i do have scar, oily face that make mi face --> kusam..
coverage for 1st time like, nothing changes happen..until 1 week im still using this kind of cream. try n error is my attitude.

until now, my face felt softly, seem "kusam" is all gone! but oily decrease about 40% only..
my oily pn bukn heavy sgt just the T zone tuh, mmg mnjdi keutamaan oily rite?

but for those who looking moisturizer type like the quick one + foundation..this item is suitable for u! 4 me, its good to cz i aways skip my moisurizer n trus apply foundation..
so this one like 2 in 1..

can find in Skindfood outlet store. costing about RM49.90

so this is my outlook when i apply this kind of cream.
klu nk tampak lg Vouge, apply skit Foundation lg..tp bukan dlm quantity yg bnyk. wokey?

.: time g knduri kawen :.

.: Time Outing wit My Luf :.

New Yer!!

WoWW!! Sudah Thun Bru!!
I guess Mia Blog dah nk Sthun lebIh usianya!!

Didn’t notice about that did i??
Silly me

Any celeb for new yer eve??
Yes I do!
I guess this is my 1st time celeb new yer!
Selama 23 thun!! Hehe

Bukn xnk celeb actually, tp bile pkir blik?
Wat for ntk celeb pn..it just coming a new yer je kot kn??

So for this yer..i do celeb wit my noty Old skool Frens
Which is

Drpda bjalan sokping sakan d Jln TAR ntuk tgk brg2
Kepada makan n last skli BerKaroke!!

Itu r pkra yg lbih kmi prefer klu dah time2 cmnie..
Nk g tmpt yg pnuh ngn org..
Surely me n my frens xsuke!!

Cant breath kot!! Pening r bgai..
So dats all by noe about celeb.

About my new spirit for this 2011 is:-

*KuMpUL Wet!
*Kurangkan BelaNja
*Fokus pda 1 Prkra iaitu trget ntuk “Tut”
*Harap dpt ssuatu yg xdjgka d tmpt kerja myb sumting yg org ckp happy ngn tmpt kje

o I guess klu xdpt pe yg diinginkan…so better find a new jobs!! huhu
a.k.a dlm kdaan trpksa

so kte tgk pe akn jd within this yer, and hope u guys out there stick to know what new story coming up from me!!
