I lost my precious cats just in 2 days!
How sad I’m n don’t know what 2 tink about
How could this happen so fast
Doesn’t know the reason o causes
Why they die
Xde tnjuk tnda2 skit
Hnya mendiamkan dri
N last

Kucing2 nie r yg lbih perhatiannye sbb mak ak dh agp cm ank sndri.
Bela dlm rumh lg
Kucing2 kt luar..sihat2 plak..
Xde tnjuk2 cm kne ngn 2 ekor nie…
Tp sygnya..
Permegian mreka xpa diduga n disangka2……
1st day (MonDay)

.: KikI:.
A lovely cat ngn ekor tupai, lincah, suka mengembara n akhrnya dtg ke rumah kmi
How sad I’m n don’t know what 2 tink about
How could this happen so fast
Doesn’t know the reason o causes
Why they die
Xde tnjuk tnda2 skit
Hnya mendiamkan dri
N last
Kucing2 nie r yg lbih perhatiannye sbb mak ak dh agp cm ank sndri.
Bela dlm rumh lg
Kucing2 kt luar..sihat2 plak..
Xde tnjuk2 cm kne ngn 2 ekor nie…
Tp sygnya..
Permegian mreka xpa diduga n disangka2……
1st day (MonDay)
.: KikI:.
A lovely cat ngn ekor tupai, lincah, suka mengembara n akhrnya dtg ke rumah kmi
2nd day (TuesdaY)

.: Pretty @ pitty (im use to call this name as pretty cm ssh tol nk sbut) :.
.: Pretty @ pitty (im use to call this name as pretty cm ssh tol nk sbut) :.
Kucing yg Mak ku beli dgn hrga 4$$ ak rsa r ke lebih, Persian style!!
When I saw for the 1st time..im hoping this cat can go long as I do had a cat like this before, wrna org peach, Persian style can’t go long @ survive at my home
I dono, but I tink is like badi kucing
So their day just come
Ajal tdak kre bentuk, fizikal o ppe r..
nk sedih pn xde guna.
sedih dlm ati aje r.

It just a joy n lovely moment to remember
About them.
I guess this will be last I n my fmly mmber nk had a pet.
Kiki @ Pretty
I Love u so Much!!
When I saw for the 1st time..im hoping this cat can go long as I do had a cat like this before, wrna org peach, Persian style can’t go long @ survive at my home
I dono, but I tink is like badi kucing
So their day just come
Ajal tdak kre bentuk, fizikal o ppe r..
nk sedih pn xde guna.
sedih dlm ati aje r.
It just a joy n lovely moment to remember
About them.
I guess this will be last I n my fmly mmber nk had a pet.
Kiki @ Pretty
I Love u so Much!!
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