my weekEnd this is fully furn..which is my Class is already Started..
YEAY!! my student life is COming..
wat A day on skill in the morning continue with class afta that n lepak in jgk wif my luvly fren!!
study skill?? bak kta ayh ak.."agh xperlu g la...dh mhir blaja!!" huhu..nuts...
Class guing smuth r..evendo subjek killing me softly..n cant find one of the student wif the same course as mine!! where there have been??
zasss!!! gone already kot! huhu.... aleh2 kls ngn snior2..mntak advice..1st of all i suggest that keep want to start with the hardest one..but when i just realize like the 1st time i was in poly..the 1st move must b scored! ntuk cri tapak ass..kte kne kkuhkan bwh..then i realize...i du make a mistake..n must to change ASAP!!!
so need some advice from my dad..n nk tgk2 blik slibus apa time sem 1 dlu kt poly..mgkin cmne ak leh bt dr sgi itu...
then move to lepak in ngn member ak....just trkzut gak bnda jd lepak...kli ni...ak xbriya2 pon...just im ok..mna nak? tuh aje r kan....
dgn pnt xhengat...dh cam apa je mlm tuh...nk tdo tp xle...last2..came out wif 1 soklan that killing me again "ko ngajuk ke jna??" wat da.... nk ckp apa pn tgh pusing..n xle nk ckp...
majuk?? no la.... frust?? myb.......
aik?? apa kes dorg of them seemly knows about my c2action....he such a stalker...noty! haha...then i just said that...frust xde kne mngena ngn korng..i just want to kept that away n muv i cant take it alone.. it hard to do sumting when we deal with sumting rarely bt felt like we deal with every day..
nk keep like nuthing not a type that gurl..
evry ting shows in my face! how came i want to survive..
i want to let it go that night..but word cant describe it anyting...
so we take off n they take me home...odw to home...we hve a little chat which they knows who im talking..n i kept saying that...i just frustt..not with them o him....wif my self.. i wanna change n trow away my bad attitude..but its so when i want to avoid will be kept coming n coming..over n over cant stop it!! argh!! tensi!!
they gave me a some advce too..but so disspointed cz..dh nak smpi bru ak leh ckp... n apa dorg ckp tuh bg ak..btul..
"xkn nak gali kbur n tnam dri sndri kan??" so make me can i do dgn cra tidak mmkiran bnda itu sudah pn do i react? i dunnoo..
mlm tuh ak xle tdur..nk ngis sume air mta cant do anything..tdo2 aym gak ak mlm tuh..
mmkirkan dia....knpa ak rasa xle nk lpskn ssorg tuh bgtu mudah...tink n tink..
padahal kls kol 8 nie..ak trkebil2 hmpir kol 3 ntuk tdo....last2 kol 5 trjga cz sume1 mskol me...tkjut bile brdpn tuh..xbnyak kot ckp..n dia pn cm react like that xde pepepn jmpa xjmpa gak r kn mlm lepak tuh....then we have a little chat skit...cte sal kls kol bpe n end pkol bpe..last came with..
Sender :dh hbs klas meh r lepak ngn ak
me : perlu kew?? (dlam ati nak, tp boleh ke ko brdepn ngn dia jna oi??..huhu)
sender : klu rsa xperlu xpe r....apa2 bgtau elok2
me : ok..
sender : tc tau..mwahx... =P
me : (pkir gak pe nk jwb, pkir cm xnk jwb pn ada), then.... ok..u too...daaa....
sllu ada gak blas pe dia text tuh...expcially nk gedik2..mwahx r kn..aleh..."daaa" sudah...huh...
ends wif that..cont with...
ZzzzZZZZZ....bgun g Klas!!! lalalala......
end of the day i can realize that :-
:felt so Dummies & Pathetic, when u had a bad Day, & thats the feeling will pop u naturally:
wat A day on skill in the morning continue with class afta that n lepak in jgk wif my luvly fren!!
study skill?? bak kta ayh ak.."agh xperlu g la...dh mhir blaja!!" huhu..nuts...
Class guing smuth r..evendo subjek killing me softly..n cant find one of the student wif the same course as mine!! where there have been??
zasss!!! gone already kot! huhu.... aleh2 kls ngn snior2..mntak advice..1st of all i suggest that keep want to start with the hardest one..but when i just realize like the 1st time i was in poly..the 1st move must b scored! ntuk cri tapak ass..kte kne kkuhkan bwh..then i realize...i du make a mistake..n must to change ASAP!!!
so need some advice from my dad..n nk tgk2 blik slibus apa time sem 1 dlu kt poly..mgkin cmne ak leh bt dr sgi itu...
then move to lepak in ngn member ak....just trkzut gak bnda jd lepak...kli ni...ak xbriya2 pon...just im ok..mna nak? tuh aje r kan....
dgn pnt xhengat...dh cam apa je mlm tuh...nk tdo tp xle...last2..came out wif 1 soklan that killing me again "ko ngajuk ke jna??" wat da.... nk ckp apa pn tgh pusing..n xle nk ckp...
majuk?? no la.... frust?? myb.......
aik?? apa kes dorg of them seemly knows about my c2action....he such a stalker...noty! haha...then i just said that...frust xde kne mngena ngn korng..i just want to kept that away n muv i cant take it alone.. it hard to do sumting when we deal with sumting rarely bt felt like we deal with every day..
nk keep like nuthing not a type that gurl..
evry ting shows in my face! how came i want to survive..
i want to let it go that night..but word cant describe it anyting...
so we take off n they take me home...odw to home...we hve a little chat which they knows who im talking..n i kept saying that...i just frustt..not with them o him....wif my self.. i wanna change n trow away my bad attitude..but its so when i want to avoid will be kept coming n coming..over n over cant stop it!! argh!! tensi!!
they gave me a some advce too..but so disspointed cz..dh nak smpi bru ak leh ckp... n apa dorg ckp tuh bg ak..btul..
"xkn nak gali kbur n tnam dri sndri kan??" so make me can i do dgn cra tidak mmkiran bnda itu sudah pn do i react? i dunnoo..
mlm tuh ak xle tdur..nk ngis sume air mta cant do anything..tdo2 aym gak ak mlm tuh..
mmkirkan dia....knpa ak rasa xle nk lpskn ssorg tuh bgtu mudah...tink n tink..
padahal kls kol 8 nie..ak trkebil2 hmpir kol 3 ntuk tdo....last2 kol 5 trjga cz sume1 mskol me...tkjut bile brdpn tuh..xbnyak kot ckp..n dia pn cm react like that xde pepepn jmpa xjmpa gak r kn mlm lepak tuh....then we have a little chat skit...cte sal kls kol bpe n end pkol bpe..last came with..
Sender :dh hbs klas meh r lepak ngn ak
me : perlu kew?? (dlam ati nak, tp boleh ke ko brdepn ngn dia jna oi??..huhu)
sender : klu rsa xperlu xpe r....apa2 bgtau elok2
me : ok..
sender : tc tau..mwahx... =P
me : (pkir gak pe nk jwb, pkir cm xnk jwb pn ada), then.... ok..u too...daaa....
sllu ada gak blas pe dia text tuh...expcially nk gedik2..mwahx r kn..aleh..."daaa" sudah...huh...
ends wif that..cont with...
ZzzzZZZZZ....bgun g Klas!!! lalalala......
end of the day i can realize that :-
:felt so Dummies & Pathetic, when u had a bad Day, & thats the feeling will pop u naturally:
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