A very good morning! It’s Friday !!
Wat hot story in me?? No more….
Felt down..down..down…. (lagu jay sean r kan…) huuu.
Moody je mggu nie..evendo new moon pn dh lepas tp rsa cm pns aje nk mrh org n sume serba xkne..
Spe yg terkena tuh…gua lg mntak maaf…temper xle control r plak kan…
Cuba kwl tp sumtime xle..so sembur2 r kan..haha…
I tink I shuld go to anger management..so I felt calm..relax..njoy…
Cm amik dadah r plak kn..huh..perlukah?? hehe..
The reason im like this..bcz of myself aje pn…knpe n mngapa..
Mgkin sbb emotion control your body..not ur minds..
So this wat I got!
Temper ngn akk ak yg ati kering 1 hal, asik nk jg sume org pnye atikan?
Ak pnye ati, ko sbgai kakak ada prnah mgalah? Fkir pnt aje? Ada fkir ak yg kje nie?
Stakat bru praktikal..2 bru sbulan..blum kje ntuk smpi ko sra hdup?
No komen…pkir2 r sndiri ea..nmapn kakak…
Then the other reason that emotion over the body, cz last blog I ve mention about how do im frust wif sum1.
Now….not anymore…
The reason y im saying this is bcoz when I do hoping so much…tp last2 xde hasil…rsa dh pth smgat ntuk truskan lg…
Trjdi sbb perubhan ssorg tuh slps g tmpt skian2, n ak trtnya2 apa slh n silap ak..last2 ak cuba bt2 perkara tuh x blaku hgga 1 thap..ak cuba ntuk lepak bersama
As a fren us to be…
Dlm lepak…I notice that….he kept playing with his fon n texting sum1..so…
That shuld be stop..enough is enough..
U want the answer, now u know it kan???
Xyh nk sbuk tnya lg..tuhan dh tnjuk kt ko dpn2..
Mlm tuh ak btul2 bt ak pkir…bak kta kwn ak..ko pkir sgt..ko kne confess kt dia yg ko suke dia..tp
Bile dh thu cmnie..xpe r..bt pe nk ckp lg dah…
Then g kje..kwn ak cite sal mslh dia ngn husband dia..3rd party come in their life..
Im a good listener ok…dgr2…last2..
Menitik gak air mata ini….fragilenya ak bile dgr cite dia….
Her story make me tink…y lelaki simply make women so fragile, n make them whatever they want..
Did they tink how we felt?
If men outhere ckp permpuan skung sma aje..pnh ke tgk prmpuan nk wt sgt?? Bgku jrg skali..
Klu dia nk wat pn kjap aje tuh…sbb mgedik pnye psal r kan? Cm ak xpernah bt..(huhu)
Tp a’a’a…ak xgedik ngn laki org o bapak org k..
It’s not my type..
Smpang malaikat 44, mntak jauh sume tuh….
Cite dia bt pngajaran bg ku ntuk lg matang n ntuk kte thu apa akan bkal kte lalui time kte dah khwin nnti…
Bgku hrpan ku untuk dia kuatkn smgat n mntk xde ppe blku moga kekal smpi bile2….
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