2Day, its a Hard day 4 me..
as ussual go 2 Work..but im taKing 1/2 day..cz I do hve 2 setTle my Car..
RememBer when im diLemma 2 cHoose either Myvi @ kelisa...
i Aleady made My mind 2 go witH KELISA..
i Know somTime its Felt regretting but with my kemAmpuan..i just go within this..
Its My 1sT car..so how that we sTart with a LITTLE thing and then 1 day will become BIGGERR!!!
1/2 day taking afta rushing go baCk home, take my document that had Left Behind..go 2 Bank to siGn aggrement & Open New Account..then go stret to the Use car to Take my Car..suddenly..thre is a problem that my car Cant take out today Cz Road Tax had been Hold cz the Owner before got SAMAN on this car and refuse to PAY it!!!!!!
DaMn it!!! im supposely taking That Car by 2Day!! arghh my 1/2 day leave ended will be like This??
ARGHHHHHH!!!! Tenson tau x!!!! dah r aku Korbankn Msa Mkan tghAri aku ntuk settlekan bnda nie...
(nak mencrut pn ada Gak nie)
so My car Cant take By today..n will Be taking on..........................
hehe...its a secret..
rite now this car it a secret between me n him
my family, not a single members knows this..hehe..
i built up with my own for this and hope they didnt make me PENING..haha..
got back home with empty stomach, i do grab egg sandwich so that i can stand a bit longer before dinner...
On DInner, me with ma & dad, we go 2 "Kunang-Kunang"
which i grab spagheti carbonara n starfruit for dinner..
quite delicious but im to full already bcoz of cheeeeze...
so i didnt manage to clear that up..
then we go back home with another unacceptable happen!!!
my Cat had a BORN a new Babiesssssss
such a sweeet Momentsss
that 2day end up With a Miracle happen's...

RememBer when im diLemma 2 cHoose either Myvi @ kelisa...
i Aleady made My mind 2 go witH KELISA..
i Know somTime its Felt regretting but with my kemAmpuan..i just go within this..
Its My 1sT car..so how that we sTart with a LITTLE thing and then 1 day will become BIGGERR!!!
1/2 day taking afta rushing go baCk home, take my document that had Left Behind..go 2 Bank to siGn aggrement & Open New Account..then go stret to the Use car to Take my Car..suddenly..thre is a problem that my car Cant take out today Cz Road Tax had been Hold cz the Owner before got SAMAN on this car and refuse to PAY it!!!!!!
DaMn it!!! im supposely taking That Car by 2Day!! arghh my 1/2 day leave ended will be like This??
ARGHHHHHH!!!! Tenson tau x!!!! dah r aku Korbankn Msa Mkan tghAri aku ntuk settlekan bnda nie...
(nak mencrut pn ada Gak nie)
so My car Cant take By today..n will Be taking on..........................
hehe...its a secret..
rite now this car it a secret between me n him
my family, not a single members knows this..hehe..
i built up with my own for this and hope they didnt make me PENING..haha..
got back home with empty stomach, i do grab egg sandwich so that i can stand a bit longer before dinner...
On DInner, me with ma & dad, we go 2 "Kunang-Kunang"
which i grab spagheti carbonara n starfruit for dinner..
quite delicious but im to full already bcoz of cheeeeze...
so i didnt manage to clear that up..
then we go back home with another unacceptable happen!!!
my Cat had a BORN a new Babiesssssss
such a sweeet Momentsss
that 2day end up With a Miracle happen's...

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