its Been taff Day this Week..
2 much pressure when My car is Finally Take out..
we Do need to Working on It 2 make it much Better but we Dont have so MaNY "PULUS"
to make That HAppen...
my mind set that i dont want 2 tell 2 all my fmly mmbers..
unfornutely i do have to tell..
kot2 dorg leh "

1st of all i told my mum about it..
she seem pleasent to hear..
no shocking shocking..haha.
i told her that i want 2 brrow some money from her about this.
she seem "OK..bpe Kau nak??" n "Ko nak Wat pe ngn dt 2???"
hehe..n i bla..bla there..bla..bla here..
and she said.."klu nak hujung bulan nnti mak bg"...
lega skit ada org nak bntu...tp kena byr balik kan..haha..
skit2 r mak ye..klu lupe..dont blame me on it.
ngeeee...halalkan sudah...haha.
mlm 2 kmi g p.Mlam wif my New Car..
Him drive to my house n pick both of us..
my mum said...nice car..but so noizy cz of the
TURBO sound and its look like sport car to race..
my taste n my partnes had the same taste..
most of all people said our car it "
more advise from him side..said dont put 2 much sticker o else..it make come worst if u do that..as usual we had the same taste to make it simple but nice..
tul x??
so kreta ak msih di tgan dia..ntuk di bedah...
skung nie kena than wad..haha..
yela..kreta 2 bkal jalan jauh...so make it perfect..sume 2 kena amik kre
kena medical check-up ktakan..

jmt nie probally it will on full surgery..
klu smpat siap sblum ahad..thats much better 2 hear..sbb ahad 2 ak akan ke mjlis khwin..so nak ACTIOn skit r kan..tp 2 pn klu siap dibaiki...klu x..nek r kreta
so..i hope that car fix up before SUNDAY..
DOA ramai2 yeee~~~