Diasy & A moment to remember

Just a quick review for korean movie
tak tau r kalau u'olls dh tgk sblum i.
i kan lambat skit dalam bab2 nie..
lg2 korea movie or japanese

i suka baca manga je..
and a bit of drawing them



.:A moment to remember:.

this two movies definately make me cries a lot
ok..a lot
so if u'olls nk tgk.
pls sediakan tisu berkotak2 kalau korg kuat menangis
kalau tak. amik tisu 20c je dah ckup.

sy sudah jtuh cinta dengan hero kedua-dua crita ini tau.
nmpak dia sgt romantik and mature to handle the situation it have.
wah..cair kjp.

.:Jung Woo Sung:.

so apa lg..sila la tgk ye.
OST pn sedap gak nk dgr.



today entry is about b2b (bride 2 be)
am guess today onward about this kot.
u know..
am gonna be bride soon ok!!

tak sbr n nebes melampau 2...not that way la.

how my b2b progression?
so far, all the hantaran are completely within a year before wedd.
i guess when planning engagement.

for my side la. just a couple like telekung, sejadah and Qur'an
yg msih belum dibeli.
last mnit nnti beli r kot.
it just am started buying yg penting2 n yg rsnya harga dia yg agak melampau poketnya.
huhu..lampau ke.
ikt kemampuan n kepentingan. bukannya kehendak. right?

wedding ring? - check (dah order dah..tggu nak byau je)

how so early buying?
am kept buying and collect when SALE time is coming.
so when is about wedding.
hantaran is not in my mind anymore.

just pkir big thing like pelamin, dress, make up and so on.
how tiring u know.
to kept thing in track.

for me time management is most importantly.
right now. 1 month for 1 thing ive to make sure have done.

dewan currently dah dpt kata hitam putih.
so date pn dah ada.

now planning, booking, survey sume dh ptt kena wat.
nk hrapkan parents especially bnda2 cmni.
their side is all about money.

for me, the best thing i can get with the best price.
i love survey n nego most.
siap r sellers.

tp sygnya, sllunya apa yg kita nak mesti parents reject tau.
dorg nk khawin ke kita nie?

so terpaksa r cari lagi n survey lagi..
on and on.

i will list down nnti link2 ntuk b2b if i do got with all yg bg i best price
and best services.


Teaser Pre-Wedding

lupa nak update ttg ini.

2 minggu lepas i do got a job from one of my BFF who get married this coming sunday (11.12.12)
which is to take her PRE-Wedding of her n *chenta*

sblum nk g Jakarta n sblum i do got a lot of things to do especially on assignment and test.

what i could do to cheer her up for bride to be kan? so am willing to this like sponsoring :)
mula2 tuh nk set time and date agk sukar sbb groom kita nie super bz.
sian bride kta have to kept waiting
so do i.
sian kan saya?? huhu ^_^

bukan stakat tuh sahaja. ngn kdaan cuaca yang tak menentu..
bnyk tol cabaran nk tngkp pic time tuh tau....

tp pe kan daya.
ngn berkat doa n usaha
akhirnya pre-wedding ini dijayakan oleh pihak saya n jugak en.tunang (kemana saya ada mesti nak ikt) huhu..we do like a magnet kan?

.:sempat lg bergambar:.

so hasilnya cmne?
here u go:-

to reader out there would like to make an inquiry
just email me ya


today story it just for quick one.
i just wanna say

whether is to:-

*make me breath until now*

*either good or the hard time, am just a daughter that wanted her families go well: end up with turn my temper down a bit more before am left to my new family*

*my fiancee especially - always the one stand by my side either when its fire or in the rain*

*bf/bff/gf/skandal-mandel/room-mate/house-mate: in a happy time and the sad time*

to those people who knows about me
*jiran/musuh etc: whose always make my day tak kira apa jua berlaku, i still dont know what could happen next*